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May 24

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Woops! I accidentally made pineapple-infused vodka!


Now, what cocktail should I make?

Poor me, right?

Today was a day I didn’t mind cleaning out my refrigerator because little did I know there was a yummy surprise waiting for me.

As I was getting rid of old leftovers and composting lettuce that turned into (ahem) liquid, I found a glass dish hiding behind a Costco-sized mayonnaise jar. As I slowly removed the lid off of the container I was immediately expecting a foul and putrid odor to waft out. With one eye open I quickly peeked under the lid and immediately realized it was pineapple I had doused with vodka and a splash of triple sec weeks ago, May 5th to be exact. 

Although my intention was to eat the pineapple at the time I’m happy to have let it sit for so long because it made the most delicious pineapple infused vodka.  Because of my strong sense of smell and even stronger gag reflex I’m so happy my kitchen didn’t smell rank, it smelled like Maui, almost Juicy Fruit-ish my friends. Ah, yes, of only every day could begin like this. Score!

Pineapple Infused Vodka (the Woops! version):

  • Cut up one whole pineapple
  • Throw in a glass container
  • Pour approximately 1 cup of vodka over the top
  • Sprinkle with triple sec, approximately 1/8 cup
  • Cover
  • Place in refrigerator for 19 days (that’s how long mine was in there, haha)
  • Strain through a colander
  • Strain again through a coffee filter
  • Pour into pint-sized container
  • Top off with more vodka
  • Throw in the freezer

Should I try it with strawberries next? What’s your favorite infusion?  :-)

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  • Chelsea

    Wow this sounds like the perfect drink to bring to the lake on a hot summer day! And I just so happen to have some pineapple lying around just screaming to be drenched in vodka! I don’t have triple sec on hand tho, is that a crucial ingredient? How do you think it would taste with just vodka?

    • Anonymous

      Chelsea, it would be just fine without the triple sec.  I threw that in on a whim :-) Enjoy!

  • anotherkindofdrew

    I say try with either strawberries or rasberries. They are perfect this time of year and would make a delightful cocktail. Nice mistake. I need to make more like it!

    • Anonymous

      I’m working on some strawberry vodka now Drew! Perhaps I’ll throw a little basil in too. Gotta love this time of year.


    Have you tried strawberry lime tequila? Very very yummy. Makes the best margarita. 

    • Anonymous

      That sounds amazing!  Will have to try that for sure!

  • Jennifer Laughlin

    ohmygoooosh yum! and yes try berries next! What a happy accident! =)

    • Anonymous

      Jennifer, I love these type of accidents. Woot!

  • Suzie Salmon

    Maui smells? Luv it! I’ve only ever tried infusing vodka with an orange studded with coffee beans. Was yummy but a bit moonshine like if I can be honest ;)

    • Anonymous

      Haha! My sniffer gets me all the time.

  • forest

    love happy accidents!