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Monthly Archive: October 2011

Oct 26

Hello Frost, Goodbye Veggies

tiny harvest before the freeze

Share the love   As I type it is still dark outside and the thermometer is reading 27°F.  Today my compost heap is going to get an extremely large addition of plants that were frozen overnight.  Before the frost hit I dug up and repotted some herbs and brought them indoors, did one last final harvest of green …

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Oct 13

Green Tomato Chutney and Fresh Peach Sauce

Share the love   I used to be discourage with all the green tomatoes I had on my hands as soon as Fall hit and because of that frustration all my green tomatoes ended up in the compost heap.  Yes, I was composting perfectly good tomatoes that would  have been ideal for many dishes that call for …

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Oct 10

My First Potato Harvest and Potato Leek Soup

Share the love   Happy Fall everyone!  I have something very exciting to share with my readers.  I grew potatoes for the first time this year and am happy to announce I just made my first harvest of beautiful red potatoes!  If you have grown potatoes before you know that there is nothing more captivating then scraping the soil …

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