Share the love Hello everyone! Today’s contribution is brought to you by Stevie Rose of Garden Therapy. Thanks Stevie! Not only is Stevie an inspiration to those in the DIY world, she an inspiration to me personally. With so much creativity it is impossible to stay away Stevie’s blog, Facebook page, Pinterest account, Etsy store and I love …
Tag Archive: infusion
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Jul 18
Adventures in Herb-Infused Vodka: Biergarten Sage Martini
Share the love I know, infusing vodka at home is nothing new, but it is new to me and it has been quite an adventure! To begin my vodka-infusing journey I began to experiment with savory herbs, specifically, rosemary, thyme and sage. All you need is to follow a few steps and in no time you …
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May 24
Woops! I accidentally made pineapple-infused vodka!
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