Share the love Not junky bad, but junky good! I realize it is appalling for some people to use junk in the garden but not to me. Most of my garden “art” is aged, rusty, and weird but in my eyes it’s interesting to look at and the BEST part- most of it was free! I admit …
Tag Archive: Vertical Gardening
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Jul 28
Got Junk? Don’t Throw it out…Plant It!
Share the love This post originally appeared on the #gardenchat blog. You can follow #gardenchat on Twitter and on Facebook. Reduce, reuse, recycle are words we hear everyday and sometimes several times a day. Specifically in the area of reuse, gardeners all around the world, from all walks of life and economic status have taken …
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May 09
DIY-Succulent Hanging Wall Basket
Share the love Vertical gardening, green walls and living wall art has certainly become the trend in garden design. Companies like Wooly Pocket, Smith & Hawken, and Elt Living Wall Panels have come out with wall planting systems that allow you to create vertical gardens on indoor walls and the outside of buildings. For …

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