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Tag Archive: The Dirt & Martinis garden

Nov 10

Cold Weather Bird Food Recipes and the Woodpecker

Share the love   Now that the temperatures are starting to drop and a lot of the work has come to a hault in my garden, I’ve turned my attention to attracting feathered critters into my landscape with the use of bird feeders.  Birdwatching may sound mundane and boring but once you start attracting birds into your …

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Oct 26

Hello Frost, Goodbye Veggies

tiny harvest before the freeze

Share the love   As I type it is still dark outside and the thermometer is reading 27°F.  Today my compost heap is going to get an extremely large addition of plants that were frozen overnight.  Before the frost hit I dug up and repotted some herbs and brought them indoors, did one last final harvest of green …

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Aug 23

The Dirt and Martinis Junky Garden

Share the love   Not junky bad, but junky good! I realize it is appalling for some people to use junk in the garden but not to me.  Most of my garden “art” is aged, rusty, and weird but in my eyes it’s interesting to look at and the BEST part- most of it was free!  I admit …

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Aug 12

The Dirt & Martinis Garden

Share the love   Happy Friday everyone!  The weekend has arrived and a lot of us gardeners look forward to playing in the dirt,  harvesting produce, dead heading plants, planning new projects and focusing as much time as we can being and living in our gardens.  Although some view tending to the garden as work, …

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Jul 28

Got Junk? Don’t Throw it out…Plant It!

Metal planter

Share the love   This post originally appeared on the #gardenchat blog.  You can follow #gardenchat on Twitter and on Facebook. Reduce, reuse, recycle are words we hear everyday and sometimes several times a day. Specifically in the area of reuse, gardeners all around the world, from all walks of life and economic status have taken …

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